Shelley Center, American Cancer Society accepted check donations in the amount of $14,898.80 from residents of Canyon Vistas RV Resort, Gold Canyon on Monday, March 7. The presentation was the result of fund raising for the January 29, 2011 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. Presenting the monies was Coleen Ehresmann, coordinator of the event. 

Shelley Center, Community Relationship Manager of the Great Western Division of the American Cancer Society, Inc. in Phoenix, thanked the Monday morning gathering of resort residents for their outstanding efforts and donations. She reported progress has made in the fight against breast cancer as each year incidents of the disease are lessening. 

Funds for the cancer donation came from several functions throughout the January event. Resort residents donated products from their home states for an auction and raffle of state baskets. Raffle tickets were sold for the many gift certificates and services donated by area businesses. Handcrafted items were sold at sealed and silent auctions. Those walking in the five-mile Making Strides Against Breast Cancer collected pledges for the American Cancer Society. Two hundred people, including resort residents and people from the Gold Canyon community participated in the walk this year.

This was the third year for the cancer walk at Canyon Vistas RV Resort.  Since January 2009 over $38,000 has been donated to the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer program by the residents, their families and friends.

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