Warranty & Service

Please watch our video below to learn more about warranty and service from Cal-Am Homes.

At closing you completed a walk through with either the manufacturer’s representative or your sales associate. At that time, you were provided with a manual that has all your home warranty documents inside of it including your homes serial number. It is very important that you read through this material and that you keep this manual.

At the walk through, any immediate punch list items should have been addressed and a list of those outstanding items sent to the manufacturer along with any trades or vendors who worked on the home and are providing a warranty. It is up to you and the manufacturer to schedule a time to complete service items, however, there are times when that doesn’t happen, when responses are not timely and when the service does not occur. That is why we are here for you.

If you have a home that is still under warranty (within one year of your date of purchase) and you have an outstanding service item or items, please click on the service form below. You will need the serial number of your home in order to complete the form which can be found in your warranty manual you were given at closing. The form will open on a new website page.

Once we receive the completed form, we will reach out to you within 1 business day to discuss your service items and if still under warranty, help you get the service your need, scheduled.

If Your Home Is Not Under Warranty

For homes that are not within the warranty period, we have included some helpful links you may wish to explore such as where to purchase an extended home warranty and where to find licensed contractors and handyman services.